Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki

Description[ | ]

A world chess champion. What lies front of her is only victories. The word 'defeat' doesn't exist in her dictionary. She's always seems to be one step ahead in things.

Usually, she acts slowly and sometimes it makes others to feel stuffy. But when a game starts, she concentrates on the game, making it seem her usual self is a lie.

She likes to think and feel thrilled when she wins a game by her precise decision, with well-calculated strategy.

Abilities[ | ]


Promotion Icon Type: Field
After 1 sec of channeling, convers the equipped weapon to a random higher quality weapon of the same type. Promotion is only available for use after attacking 3/8/30/90 times, based on the equipped weapon's rarity (Attack count resets when the weapon is unequipped).

Promotion (PvE)

Promotion Icon
Type: Passive
Grants a Promotion stack each time a card is used . (Max. 4 stacks). Grants allies Promotion for 1 turn upon reaching 4 Promotion stacks.
Promotion Icon
Total attack increased by (20%).


Check Type: Combat
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Performs a normal attack that deals additional skill damage equal to 5% of the enemy's current HP, and gains 1 additional Promotion stack. If this skill decreases enemy's HP to below 50%, its cooldown time will be reduced by 100%.

Check (Team Match)[]

Check Type: Combat
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Performs a normal attack that deals additional skill damage equal to 5% of the enemy's current HP, and gains 3 additional Promotion stack. If this skill decreases enemy's HP to below 40%, its cooldown time will be reduced by 100%.

Check (PvE)

Type: Combat
Deals 105% / 210% / 320% skill damage to the enemy.
Obtains 1 additional card upon leaving the enemy under 40% or less HP upon using Check.

Statistics[ | ]

Blade Bow Blunt Gun Stab Hand Thrown
F F D E+ F F F

5★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 12 54.5 2.5
Armor 16 50 2
HP 124 226 6
Stamina 112 248 8

Stats for All Characters
Level 1 Stats Adela Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 12.0 8.0 13.87 18.0
Armor 16.0 12.0 14.34 22.0
Health 124.0 114.0 126.79 152.0
Stamina 112 100 119.13 152
Stats for All Characters
Level 18 Stats Adela Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 54.5 8.0 50.88 58.8
Armor 50.0 37.0 50.94 58.5
Health 226.0 148.0 228.47 251.0
Stamina 248 100 212.79 259

1-4★ Character Stats[ | ]

1★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 4 46.5 2.5
Armor 8 42 2
HP 108 210 6
Stamina 96 232 8

2★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 6 468.5 2.5
Armor 10 44 2
HP 112 214 6
Stamina 100 236 8

3★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 8 50.5 2.5
Armor 12 46 2
HP 116 218 6
Stamina 104 240 8

4★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 10 52.5 2.5
Armor 14 48 2
HP 120 222 6
Stamina 108 244 8

Skins[ | ]

Live2D Skins
