Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki

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BSLive! is the in-game system that allows streamers affiliated with TeamBS to stream Immortal Soul: Black Survival straight from their account. BSLive! was first introduced during the August 14th, 2019 patch.


The TeamBS Program is a program designed for players who stream and showcase their Black Survival content under the official platform supported by Nimble Neuron Corp.

This program includes South Koreans and other worldwide Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki streamers/users who will all be presented with perks and benefits. Let’s challenge ourselves and make Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki fun!

For more details, please refer to the TeamBS benefits and registration page.

TeamBS Benefits[]

Promotion Function[]

TeamBS user lobby – When you’ve entered BS streaming, streaming settings will be available. This function will allow TeamBS members to promote their BS Live! page with their own banner image, and it will allow other platers who have logged in to the game to easily connect to the streaming session.

Star Ranking Perks[]

TeamBS will present the members with a star ranking, depending on their streaming contributions to Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki. Different perks will be given based on the ranking. For more information and details, please tap the button below. (This will lead you to an external site.)

TeamBS Application[]

Application Conditions[]

Two conditions are required in order for the application to be considered.

  1. The applicant must not have any record of in-game restrictions due to language abuse (profanity or language abuse in game chat, nickname, battlecry, will, etc.) within the past 6 months or restrictions due to violations within the past year.
  2. The applicant must have a record of over 10 hours of uploaded Black Survival stream content, or at least 2 videos of Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki related User-Created Contents (UCC) on the applicant’s broadcast ID or channel.

For UCC, the following guidelines below will determine if the content will be approved or not.

  1. The main subject of the video must be Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki gameplay or creative element videos (related to Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki’s art, roleplays, etc.) that must have editing elements such as subtitles or commentary, dubbing, editing effects, etc.
  2. The video must be marked with the title Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki (or 블랙서바이벌) and the video must be uploaded under the category of gaming and Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki.
  3. The video must have a minimum length of 2 minutes.

How to Apply[]

Applications can be filled out by selecting the Apply button, which will redirect you to an external webpage. Once the application has been sent, the TeamBS manager will review your application, and you will be notified if the application is approved. Take note that the application approval process takes about seven (7) days.

BSLive! Patch History[]
