Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki


He is a dancer always garnering attention with his beauty and striking poses . His beauty is matched evenly by his dance talent, recognized even by the Royal Arts Academy. He is aware of his outstanding beauty and talent and enjoys having his charm and beauty validated by other people. His worldview is entirely self-centered so he is always brutally honest with his feelings and especially doesn't care about other people's pain or sorrow. He always carries a rose, but nobody knows where he got it from.

Words of beauty such as "Elegante!" "Hermoso!" "Bonito!" can always be heard near him.


Anima Ladrón[]

Anima Ladron Type: Combat
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Unable to use on wild animals

Performs a normal attack that deals 110% damage. Steals 10% of the enemy's Stat Atk and Armor for 10 secs upon hit.
Status Effect (On Self)
Anima Ladron Self Status Effect Anima Ladrón (10 seconds)

Steals enemy's Stat Atk and Armor

Status Effect (On Opponent)
Anima Ladron Opponent Status Effect Anima Ladrón (10 seconds)

For 10 secs, lower atk/armor by 10%

Anima Ladrón (PvE)

Anima Ladron
Type: Combat
Deals 110% / 230% / 360% skill damage to the enemy.
Anima Ladron Self Status Effect
Ladrón de Almas
Reduces the enemy's total attack and armor by (10%).
Anima Ladron Self Status Effect
Anima Ladrón
Grants Camilo Anima Ladrón effect and enhances his total attack and armor for the same amount as the enemy's attack and armor reduction.


Duende Type: Field
Cooldown: 60 seconds
After 1 secs of channeling, activates 'Duende' for 23 secs. (Max. 5 times, cannot be activated again while still in effect).
Status Effect (On Self)
Duende Status Effect Duende (18 seconds)

Randomly allocates 14 + (current level) stat points among Camilo's Stat Atk, Armor, HP, and Stamina.

Duende (PvE)

Type: Passive
Receive 1 Duende stack when an ally performs a crit attack. (Maximum 10 stacks)
Duende Status Effect
Total attack enhanced (5 * number of stacks).


Blade Bow Blunt Gun Stab Hand Thrown

5★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 16 53.4 2.2
Armor 14 51.4 2.2
HP 128 247 7
Stamina 112 214 6

Stats for All Characters
Level 1 Stats Camilo Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 16.0 8.0 13.87 18.0
Armor 14.0 12.0 14.34 22.0
Health 128.0 114.0 126.79 152.0
Stamina 112 100 119.13 152
Stats for All Characters
Level 18 Stats Camilo Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 53.4 8.0 50.88 58.8
Armor 51.4 37.0 50.94 58.5
Health 247.0 148.0 228.47 251.0
Stamina 214 100 212.79 259

1-4★ Character Stats[]

1★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 8 45.4 2.2
Armor 6 43.4 2.2
HP 112 231 7
Stamina 96 198 6

2★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 10 47.4 2.2
Armor 8 45.4 2.2
HP 116 235 7
Stamina 100 202 6

3★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 12 49.4 2.2
Armor 10 47.4 2.2
HP 120 239 7
Stamina 104 206 6

4★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 14 51.4 2.2
Armor 12 49.4 2.2
HP 124 243 7
Stamina 108 210 6


Live2D Skins
