Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki
Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki

All stats shown are for 5-star characters. To see this data in graph form, go to Character Stats: Graphs.

Sorting Tips[]

Click on the heading of a column to sort by that value (if this option is not available, wait for the page to finish loading, or refresh and try again).

To sort the table by multiple parameters, click on the primary sorting heading first, then click on the secondary sorting heading while holding the shift key. For example, if you would like to sort by Level 1 Attack, then by Level 18 Attack (so that characters with the same Level 1 Attack are sorted by Level 18 Attack):

1. Click on the "Level 1 Attack" heading
2. While holding "Shift," click on the "Level 18 Attack" heading

Character Skill Caveats[]

  • Barbara's Body Modification: When enemies are hit by a Turret Drone, Barbara is physically strengthened according to the reassembled gun's rarity (Attack/Armor +1 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 15)
  • Nadine's Hunter's Sight: Gain a Hunting stack with each wild animal kill which permanently increases Stat Atk by 0.7. Stat Atk bonus does not apply while Bullseye is cooling down.
  • Eleven's MUKBANG: While MUKBANG Time is in effect, maximum health permanently increases by 3 for each HP item consumed.
  • Celine's Reshaping: Based on the number of successful Reshaping, Celine benefits from the following effects. 1 Time: Atk +2, 5 Times: Atk +2, Mastery acquisition rate +15%, 10 Times: Atk +4, Lifesteal +8%, 16 Times+: Atk +25%.

CharacterName AttackLevel1 AttackLevel18 ArmorLevel1 ArmorLevel18 HPLevel1 HPLevel18 StaminaLevel1 StaminaLevel18
Adela 12.0 54.5 16.0 50.0 124.0 226.0 112 248
Adriana 17.0 56.1 12.0 46.0 120.0 239.0 132 200
Aiden 14.0 51.4 16.0 55.1 138.0 223.0 128 213
Alex 16.0 53.4 16.0 53.4 124.0 243.0 124 192
Arda 14.0 51.4 14.0 54.8 125.0 244.0 112 163
Aya 14.0 49.7 14.0 51.4 128.0 230.0 120 222
Barbara 12.0 40.9 12.0 40.9 140.0 225.0 132 251
Bernice 14.0 53.1 22.0 56.0 132.0 251.0 112 214
Bianca 12.0 49.4 20.0 54.0 120.0 222.0 120 239
Camilo 16.0 53.4 14.0 51.4 128.0 247.0 112 214
Cathy 12.0 52.8 12.0 49.4 128.0 247.0 116 201
Celine 10.0 47.4 12.0 51.1 124.0 243.0 120 239
Chiara 12.0 52.8 12.0 52.8 120.0 222.0 108 210
Chloe 12.0 47.7 16.0 58.5 120.0 222.0 120 239
Daniel 12.0 49.4 17.0 56.1 132.0 234.0 116 235
Echion 8.0 8.0 16.0 55.1 120.0 239.0 120 205
Elena 15.0 49.0 14.0 48.0 118.0 220.0 132 217
Eleven 12.0 46.0 20.0 37.0 128.0 230.0 120 222
Emma 12.0 49.4 16.0 55.1 120.0 239.0 100 100
Eva 14.0 54.8 13.0 50.4 148.0 233.0 140 208
Felix 18.0 58.8 12.0 42.6 125.0 210.0 130 232
Fiora 14.0 54.8 14.0 51.4 116.0 235.0 132 200
Hart 12.0 51.1 16.0 50.0 132.0 234.0 124 243
Hyejin 12.0 54.5 12.0 52.8 136.0 238.0 112 214
Hyunwoo 12.0 46.0 14.0 58.2 120.0 222.0 100 168
Isol 14.0 58.2 16.0 53.4 136.0 221.0 131 250
Jackie 18.0 55.4 12.0 49.4 116.0 235.0 116 201
Jan 16.0 51.7 14.0 49.7 140.0 225.0 116 235
Jenny 14.0 51.4 16.0 53.4 120.0 205.0 104 189
Johann 14.0 51.4 16.0 55.1 116.0 218.0 130 249
JP 14.0 54.8 12.0 46.0 116.0 218.0 116 184
Laura 18.0 55.4 12.0 46.0 128.0 213.0 136 238
Lenox 14.0 54.8 16.0 53.4 124.0 243.0 108 193
Leon 14.0 48.0 16.0 50.0 152.0 237.0 130 232
Li Dailin 16.0 55.1 14.0 44.6 120.0 222.0 124 175
Luke 16.0 56.8 12.0 51.1 128.0 230.0 116 218
Magnus 16.0 56.8 14.0 51.4 120.0 239.0 112 197
Mai 14.0 53.1 18.0 45.2 132.0 234.0 108 193
Nadine 16.0 43.2 12.0 47.7 124.0 226.0 120 222
Nathapon 14.0 53.1 14.0 48.0 136.0 238.0 116 218
Nicky 14.0 49.7 12.0 51.1 130.0 232.0 124 243
Rio 16.0 44.9 14.0 53.1 136.0 238.0 120 222
Rosalio 14.0 53.1 12.0 52.8 132.0 217.0 100 185
Rozzi 16.0 55.1 12.0 51.1 124.0 226.0 104 223
Shoichi 16.0 50.0 12.0 46.0 124.0 226.0 128 196
Silvia 17.0 52.7 14.0 51.4 136.0 221.0 152 237
Sissela 12.0 51.1 12.0 52.8 114.0 148.0 116 201
Sua 12.0 49.4 16.0 56.8 124.0 226.0 104 206
Tia 11.0 50.1 12.0 47.7 115.0 217.0 132 234
William 14.0 49.7 14.0 54.8 128.0 230.0 140 259
XiuKai 13.0 50.4 14.0 51.4 136.0 238.0 104 172
Yuki 12.0 52.8 12.0 49.4 116.0 235.0 101 203
Zahir 12.0 52.8 18.0 55.4 131.0 233.0 112 214