You may find an enemy (another player) while searching an area.
As the game is played in real time, players can find you even when you are standing still.
If you succeed in finding an enemy, you can choose to do the following:
- Attack
- Use combat ability
- Escape
What is Accuracy?[]
Attempting an attack first checks for hit chance. Normal attacks and most combat abilities can either hit or miss.
The starting base accuracy is 80% (assuming starting mastery = D)
How to Increase Accuracy[]
Accuracy increases as mastery increases. With each increase in mastery rank, base accuracy increases by 1-3%.
There are also certain items that increase accuracy when used or equipped.
Attack Damage[]
Attack Damage is the actual damage dealt by an attack that hits (does not miss). The formulas in this section are used to calculate Attack Damage.
Attack Damage = Normal Damage + Skill Damage
Normal Damage[]
Formula = Total Attack Power * 100 / (Enemy's Total Armor + 100)
- Total Attack Power: (Stat Attack + Weapon Damage) * Modifiers
- Modifiers: Mastery Rank
- Total Armour: Character Armour + Gear Armour
Skill Damage[]
Skill Damage bypasses character/gear armor. Character skills, item skills, and mastery rank still affect skill damage.
Additional Attack Effects[]
- Critical Hit: 5% Chance to activate; increases normal attack damage by 40%
- Weapon Defect & Destruction: Weapons defect by 1% (Ranged) or 2% (Melee) chance. Thrown weapons deplete instead of defecting. Defect chance is 10% for unloaded Ranged weapons. Defected weapons have their attack reduced by 20%. If a defected weapon receives another defect, it is destroyed and the weapon disappears.
Note: The defect chance is 0% for the first 15 attacks after a weapon is crafted. [1]
- Weapon Dulling: Blade and Blade/Stab weapons dulled by 3% chance (-1 attack per dulling). Whetstones can be used to enhance the attack of dulled weapons (+1 attack per whetstone).
When attacked by an animal or another player, there is a 2% chance to suffer a random injury. Injuries can be treated by First Aid Kit or Resting.
There are 4 types of injuries:
- Head Injury: accuracy -20%
- Arm Injury: normal attack -20%
- Abdomen Injury: healing rate -50% ; damage taken +10%
- Leg Injury: Movement/Search consumes 50% more Stamina