Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki
Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki


A grocery clerk by day and a back alley hero by night.

He can never leave someone in trouble alone, and with his bright and lively personality, he always tries to help people in need. Although he is only a student on a leave of absence in order to pay off his loans, he's what others might call 'hero'. Perhaps this is why he guarded the alleys with a lance, cleaning up all the drug gangs defiling the area.

One day, while he was raiding a drug trafficking ring, he suddenly disappeared after saying he needed to save more people.


Dancing Flower[]

Dancing Flower ICON Type: Field
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Reduces damage taken from basic attacks and skills based on basic attacks by 15% for 7 seconds. Items and Rest are usable while Dancing Flower is active. (Searching/Moving cancels the effect)
Status Effect (On Self)
Dancing Flower ICON Dancing Flower (7 seconds)

Reduces the damage you take by 15%.

Polearm Mastery[]

Polearm Mastery ICON Type: Combat
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Unable to use on wild animals

Attacks the enemy with 110% enhanced basic attack and gains 1 Parry stack.
Status Effect (On Self)
Parry ICON Parry

Increases the damage reduction from Dancing Flower by an additional 1% per stack.


Blade Bow Blunt Gun Stab Hand Thrown
F F F F D+ F F

5★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 18 58.8 2.4
Armor 12 42.6 1.8
HP 125 210 5
Stamina 130 232 6

Stats for All Characters
Level 1 Stats Tia Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 11.0 8.0 13.87 18.0
Armor 12.0 12.0 14.34 22.0
Health 115.0 114.0 126.79 152.0
Stamina 132 100 119.13 152
Stats for All Characters
Level 18 Stats Tia Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 50.1 8.0 50.88 58.8
Armor 47.7 37.0 50.94 58.5
Health 217.0 148.0 228.47 251.0
Stamina 234 100 212.79 259

1-4★ Character Stats[]

1★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 10 50.8 2.4
Armor 4 34.6 1.8
HP 110 195 5
Stamina 114 216 6

2★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 12 52.8 2.4
Armor 6 36.6 1.8
HP 114 199 5
Stamina 118 220 6

3★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 14 54.8 2.4
Armor 8 38.6 1.8
HP 117 202 5
Stamina 122 224 6

4★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 16 56.8 2.4
Armor 10 40.6 1.8
HP 121 206 5
Stamina 126 228 6


Live2D Skins
