Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki

Basic profile of 22M-RFT53[]

  • Name: Felix Green
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 20 (22')
  • Height & Weight: 175cm, 66kg
  • Nationality: U.S.
  • Occupation: Grocery Clerk
  • Family: Father, Mother
  • Note: Confirmed to have some knowledge of our experiemnts.

Character Profile[]

22M-RFT53 mainly uses his lance as a weapon. With his athletically gifted body, he can easily wield his lance and imbibe VF onto his lance through flocculation to increase its range. In the eyes of others, it may appear as if the lance has been magically extended. With its increased range, he can freely switch between offensive and defensive stances to subdue his opponents. Although VF can be cohesively applied to other weapons and objects, he tends to favor only his lance.

His 'master' had a great influence on 22M-RFT53's use of the classic weapon. It is said that a long-haired man with a lance appeared and saved him when his life was in jeopardy after he blindly charged in to raid a drug trafficking site, filled with a sense of justice. Afterwards, 22M-RFT53 persistently pursued the man and asked him to teach him the art of the lance, eventually becoming the man's only disciple through heartfelt devotion. He is said to have good combat ability, so it didn't take long for him to learn difficult moves.

- Assistant researcher in charge, Dr.O

The power of 22M-RFT53 comes from his sense of 'justice'. Of course, 14M-RFT(Aya) is similar, but she loathes crimes and uses justice as a reason to punishes criminals, whereas 22M-RFT53 focuses on helping others. He tried to eradicate drug trafficking rings because he could no longer stand the suffering it caused the people around him. He has a very strong desire to protect others, even willing to stake his life for that reason alone.

When dealing with 22M-RFT53, it seems that meaningful results can be obtained only if this 'sense of justice' is used appropriately. Of course, as a counterproductive consequence, we have to be careful that he won't sacrifice himself to save someone else.

- Senior Researcher, Dr.N

Locked Journals [Must complete objective to unlock][]

Behavior pattern [Craft Sky Piercer 30 times(s)][]

22M-RFT53 demonstrates leadership in his alliances by guiding them with friendliness and responsibility. He often takes great care of his associates and rarely leaves them behind if he helps it. Ignoring or treating him badly does not bother him either. However, there is one thing he can't stand in particular - when someone causes harm to others.

It happened when he teamed up with 21M-RFT49(Laura) and 21M-RFT51(Tia). Feeling bored while camping, 21M-RFT49(Laura) secretly stole 21M-RFT51's paintbrush. Shortly after, 21M-RFT51 noticed it was missing and began to panic. 22M-RFT53 calmed her down and suggested that all of them look for the paintbrush together. While searching, he felt something was strange about 21M-RFT49's idle behavior, so he began to gently question her. Tired of 22M-RFT53's constant suspicions, she gave her usual smile and returned the brush to the owner, saying, 'I was just joking'. 22M-RFT53 warned 21M-RFT49 with, 'Please refrain from taking the joke too far', and at that moment, she realized that even such a genial person could have a serios face.

- Assistant researcher in charge, Dr.C

22M-RFT53 has a lot of persistence and tenacity, which synergizes well with his tendency to focus on only one thing when he is absorbed in it.

There was this one time when 14M-RFT05(William) was practicing pitching alone and accidentally got the baseball stuck up in a tree because he couldn't control his strength. Although technically, it was more like that baseball was pierced by a branch. A passing 22M-RFT53 saw what happened and offered to help. He struggled to get the baseball with his spear, because it could not reach. 14M-RFT05, who had been watching, told him to stop because he could simply find another, but 22M-RFT53, who was too fixated into getting the baseball, didn't hear him at all. Concentrating on extending the spear's reach with VF, he was finally able to retrieve the baseball. 22M-RFT53 delightfully lifted it up, but its owner had long since left.

- Assistant researcher in charge, Dr.I

Weakness & Trauma [Win 3 time(s) while holding Adrenaline Drink][]

22M-RFT53 did not experience any major trauma while growing up. However, his weaknesses lie in his personality itself, putting the safety of others before himself, often leading to him being in danger.

As he couldn't just stand by and watch the people around him suffer from drugs, he did not hesitate jumping in to save them. He gathered information and raided the drug trafficking ring barehanded. The gangs were always armed, making his actions reckless, if not foolish. Had his master not appeared, he would have been killed or seriously injured.

22M-RFT53 became more actively involved after learning the fighting techniques from his master who saved him. Rumours spread around drug dealers to beware of 'the hooded lancer' as he raided wherever illegal drug exchanges took place, ruining their deals. Perhaps because of this vigilant heroism, drugs were at an all time low in the village, but the peace did not last long. A new drug supply chain had formed. 22M-RFT53, who had been investigating, soon learned that the new drug supplier was his friend, Ratt.

When he confronted him, Ratt promised he would never sell drugs again. However, Ratt had already become addicted to the substances, and could not stop the supply chain. Eventually, to resolve all these problems, 22M-RFT53 decided to directly target the drug manufacturing facilities.

22M-RFT53 arrived at the targeted site based on Ratt's confession, and saw the already drugged up Ratt, realizing it had all been a trap. Nevertheless, he charged towards the heavily armed gangs to save his friend and eradicate the source of this artificial plague.

He is alive and well because he survived then, but his recklessness deserves notice. People who don't take care of themselves have a harder time surviving at all.

- Assistant researcher in charge, Dr.T

Likes & Dislikes [Use Grilled Saury 30 time(s)][]

From what we can tell, it seems that he likes food in general. He's not a big eater, but he enjoys eating.

When he was partnered with 19M-RFT39(Eleven), he ate a lot of different food. 19M-RFT39 was happy to have met someone with the same tastes as her after such a long time. However, it was discovered later that he disliked eating fish.

When he was given fish from 17M-RFT32(Lenox) while they were with 19M-RFT39, we observed him throwing up when the other two looked away. It seems that he forced himself to eat it so as to not ignore 17M-RFT32's sincerity.

Because 22M-RFT53 can eat food he doesn't like for the sake of others, we need a closer look at his food preferences for accurate information.

- Assistant researcher, Dr.E

While 22M-RFT53 was a hero with a lance in the back alley, he was also a student on a leave of absence, working in a grocery store to pay off his student loans. Because he lived a frugal life, we can often see that he does not waste his supplies, even in the experiments.

He often was shocked by the extravagance of the other subjects who had lived wealthy lifestyles. He was especially astonished when 22M-RFT52(Elena) asked 17M-RFT29(Adriana) to burn her coat just because it got a little dusty.

It is said that he also received financial advice from 16M-RFT23(Shoichi) on his loan problems after coming to the island. It's almost like the 'hero suffering from the hardships of life' seen in cartoons.

- Assistant researcher, Dr.K

Acquaintance Interview [Not Released][]
