Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki
Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki


A priest that never loses his faith.

He is inflexible and principled, and his meticulous and rough personality can make him difficult to approach. Since he does the sign of the cross whenever he gets irritated or angry, people at church tend to be nervous when he does the sign of the cross.

He has a mind of steel, but can be emotional about injustice concerning children, teenagers or people he looks up to.



Consecration Type: Field
Cooldown: 60 seconds
After channeling for 2 sec, offers one item from the bag as an offer for Consecration. Depending on the item, grant 'Father's Blessing' or 'Holy Spirit's Blessing' effect for 80sec. Based on the grade of the item that is offered, there is a (0.5%/1%/2%/5%/80%) chance that the equipped item corresponding to the same part/type is replaced with a higher grade random item. (If there is no higher grade item existing, the equipment is replaced with a random one of the same grade.)
Status Effect (On )
Father Father's Blessing (80 seconds)

Grants basic attack damage reduction based on the grade of the offered armor item (-1/-3/-5/-8/-12)

Status Effect (On )
Holy Holy Spirit's Blessing (80 seconds)

Grants bonus damage based on the grade of the offered weapon (+1/+3/+5/+8/+12)

Consecration (PvE)

Type: Passive
Grants Consecration to allies at the start of the match.
When Lv.1 cards are obtained, there will be a chance it will turn into a Lv.3 card.


Sermon Type: Combat
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Consume 5 Stamina and recovers 3 HP with the next basic attack.

Sermon (PvE)

Type: Combat
Deals 105% / 220% / 340% skill damage and enemy.
Deals extra 15% / 20% / 30% skill damage to a Test Subject (including Enraged Test Subjects)


Blade Bow Blunt Gun Stab Hand Thrown
F F F F F D+ F

5★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 14 51.4 2.2
Armor 16 55.1 2.3
HP 116 218 6
Stamina 130 249 7

Stats for All Characters
Level 1 Stats Johann Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 14.0 8.0 13.87 18.0
Armor 16.0 12.0 14.34 22.0
Health 116.0 114.0 126.79 152.0
Stamina 130 100 119.13 152
Stats for All Characters
Level 18 Stats Johann Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 51.4 8.0 50.88 58.8
Armor 55.1 37.0 50.94 58.5
Health 218.0 148.0 228.47 251.0
Stamina 249 100 212.79 259

1-4★ Character Stats[]

1★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 6 43.4 2.2
Armor 8 47.1 2.3
HP 100 202 6
Stamina 114 233 7

2★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 8 45.4 2.2
Armor 10 49.1 2.3
HP 104 206 6
Stamina 118 237 7

3★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 10 47.4 2.2
Armor 12 51.1 2.3
HP 108 210 6
Stamina 122 241 7

4★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 12 49.4 2.2
Armor 14 53.1 2.3
HP 112 214 6
Stamina 126 245 7


Live2D Skins
