The issue of the Tournament's rewards not being calculated based on the selected Tournament Mode in the Final Round has been fixed.
The issue when a wrong pop-up window opens after using the save feature in the result sharing screen has been fixed.
The issue of the previous tier image not being properly displayed (except for the winner) in the game results' screen has been fixed.
The issue of the item’s box not being checked from the recommendation list even after obtaining the corresponding item in the in-game navigation’s UI has been fixed.
The issue of the items’ names being displayed in a different language after changing language in the settings without restarting the game has been fixed.
The issue of Hotkeys not functioning correctly in the Steam version of the game has been fixed.
The issue that prevented players from buying Lion Promotion Package on iOS devices has been fixed.
The issue of the 'claim all' rewards function not responding in Aglaia's Pass Episode page has been fixed.
The issue of the ‘claim all’ rewards function not responding in Aglaia’s Pass Quest screen has been fixed.
The issue of BS Pass Quests and normal Quests being inverted in the Quest Menu has been fixed.
The issue when Aglaia’s Pass Quests difficulty level has been lowered before being completed, causing the Quests to be marked as ‘completed’ without being able to claim the corresponding rewards has been fixed.
The issue of Aglaia’s Pass points not being updated after completing a quest in Aglaia’s Pass Quest screen has been fixed.
The Research Record displayed in the Researcher’s Profile has been modified as follows: {Current Research Record / Remaining Research Record} → {Current Research Record / Research Record for the selected section}
The issue of the images not being displayed on the Experiment Journal’s screen has been fixed.
The issue of the notice icon not being displayed in the mail list menu has been fixed.
The issue when the character’s level (showed by the number of stars) is not being properly displayed on the character’s name tag during the promotion animation has been fixed.