Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki

When you touch the center of the screen, consume 3 Stamina and search the current area. The search animation lasts for roughly 1.5 seconds.

Search phases (if the event does not occur, move to the next phase):

Search Phase Event Probability
1. Find the Main Computer 1%*
2. Step on a trap 50%
3. Find an enemy 70%
4. Find a wild animal 50%
5. Find a corpse 5%
6. Find an item 90%
7. Gain experience 40%

* Research Center only

Search phases are automatically bypassed if the event is not possible. (For example, if there are no traps in the area, search phase 2 is automatically bypassed.) If all search phases are unsuccessful, then the Search is unsuccessful, and no event occurs for that Search.

Search Rate Modification[]

The following are modifications to the search probabilities listed above:

  • Corpse never found before: +30% chance of finding
  • A corpse of an enemy you killed: +5% chance of finding

In-game screenshots[]

Search Rulebook
