Immortal Soul: Black Survival Wiki


He was the high-profile pitcher in Major League Baseball.

He was officially in a relationship with Brit, team owner's daughter, but their relationship was fragile due to his broad love-relationship. His image was severely damaged when Brit started dating Rosalio right after she broke up with William.

He was expelled from the Major League due to the alleged match fixing. And nobody knew about his whereabouts for three years.

He likes plants, but doesn’t water them regularly.

He is a type of person that doesn't do anything he can't take responsibility.


Inning Eater[]

Inning Eater Type: Passive
Recovers 7 Stamina upon every 9th Move/Search

Relief Pitcher (Team Match)[]

Inning Eater Type: Passive
'Relief Pitcher' effect will activate for 10 secs when an Area Restriction happens.
Status Effect (On Self)
Inning Eater Relief Pitcher (10 seconds)

Your Stat Atk increases by (Level+5)*1.1

Breaking Ball[]

Breaking Ball Type: Combat
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Unable to use on wild animals

Activates different effects depending on William's current Stamina.

Change Up ( ~100) : Lands a normal attack and decreases by 15 the opponent's Stamina.

Fastball (101 ~ 150) : Lands a normal attack with +7 additional damage

Power Curve (151 ~ 200) : Lands a normal attack with +15% lifesteal

Hard Slider (201~) : Lands a basic attack with +15% armor penetration


Blade Bow Blunt Gun Stab Hand Thrown
F F F F F F D+

5★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 14 49.7 2.1
Armor 14 54.8 2.4
HP 128 230 6
Stamina 140 259 7

Stats for All Characters
Level 1 Stats William Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 14.0 8.0 13.87 18.0
Armor 14.0 12.0 14.34 22.0
Health 128.0 114.0 126.79 152.0
Stamina 140 100 119.13 152
Stats for All Characters
Level 18 Stats William Min. Average Max.
Stat Attack 49.7 8.0 50.88 58.8
Armor 54.8 37.0 50.94 58.5
Health 230.0 148.0 228.47 251.0
Stamina 259 100 212.79 259

1-4★ Character Stats[]

1★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 6 41.7 2.1
Armor 6 46.8 2.4
HP 112 214 6
Stamina 124 243 7

2★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 8 43.7 2.1
Armor 8 48.8 2.4
HP 116 218 6
Stamina 128 247 7

3★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 10 45.7 2.1
Armor 10 50.8 2.4
HP 120 222 6
Stamina 132 251 7

4★ Stats Level 1 Level 18 Growth
Attack 12 47.7 2.1
Armor 12 52.8 2.4
HP 124 226 6
Stamina 136 255 7


Live2D Skins
